What to Wear to Vatican City 

What to wear to Vatican City. Vatican City is the world’s smallest independent nation. It is its own country within the city of Rome, Italy. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations, seeing millions of people season by season and year by year. Within the walls and roads of Vatican City, you’ll find ancient structures, stretching green gardens, beautifully painted ceilings, and historic tapestries. There is so much to see in such a small space. Even more than historic landmarks and beautiful structures, for those who are religious, Vatican City is run by the catholic church. On a visit to Vatican City, you may even run into a cardinal or be able to witness the Pope.

If you are traveling to Rome any time in the near future and into the history of Rome, you must add Vatican City to your itinerary. Once you have your ticket booked and your itinerary decided, there is one more thing you must figure out: what to wear to Vatican City. 

Saint Peter's Square. Vatican City.

Requirements and Regulations 

Branching on the description of Vatican City and the government run by the catholic church, it is important to note that there is a certain set of rules when it comes to what to wear. Romans and specifically those in Vatican City are very modest and their clothing reflects that. More than just religion, modesty is simply the culture in Rome and Vatican City. When traveling anywhere, you first and foremost always want to respect the culture and do as others do. Follow the phrase “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.

If you are reading from the United States, for example, from Miami, Florida where I am from, the last thing you want to do is visit Vatican City in flip-flops, shorts, and a bikini top. The same goes for most major cities around the United States, we are used to dressing in ripped jeans and showing parts that don’t need to be shown in a country run by the catholic church. 

Instead, you want to dress modestly and try your best to blend in with the locals. That is the way to be most respectful. Treat your visit like an easter sunday brunch or a school assembly. Avoid any rips, short shorts, spaghetti strap tops, and so on. Perhaps you may get away with it, or be met with strange stares if you are simply passing through. However, if you plan on visiting the Vatican Museum or climbing the steps of St. Peter’s Basilica, you will certainly be turned away or handed a cover-up. It is best practice to plan ahead and dress as respectfully as you can. Let’s get started with exactly what to wear, what is allowed, and what to avoid. 

Empty Spiral Staircase at Vatican City.


To start with our guide of what to wear to Vatican City, we have tops. In order to find out what to wear, you must first learn what exactly it is you need to avoid. We already know the goal is to dress as modestly as possible. This means shoulders must be covered at all times. No spaghetti strap sleeve shirts, tank tops, or low-sleeve shirts. The same goes for the midriff and stomach area. It is required that you keep these covered. That means no crop tops. Shirts must be full-length only. This is especially important to know for those coming from the United States, where most shirts sold for young women are crop tops.

Tops like these are prohibited in the Vatican City. It is also the same case for any tops that inadvertently show the midriff or shoulders. If a top is designed with any rips, seams, or stitches that reveal this area, it is also forbidden. Also, you want to avoid any tops with vulgar language, or images, or see-through material.

You want to wear full-length basic colored t-shirts, long blouses, short blouses, and any tops nice enough to cover these areas without showing too much. Though it seems like the restrictions are tough for the top, it is easy to find alternatives that still look fashionable and flattering. The same goes for men. Opt for a button-up top or t-shirt and leave the muscle tanks at home.


Then on what to wear to Vatican City, we have bottoms. Bottoms are a lot more straightforward, pretty obvious, and easy to avoid offending anyone. Starting with what you avoid, you definitely want to stay away from short shorts. Even when traveling in the summer, shorts that reveal the knees are restricted. As a woman from a hot climate, used to wearing very short shorts, it is devastating to actually have to wear pants past my upper thigh. However devastating it may be, it is most important to be respectful, so I, and every one, must oblige. In the same sense, mini skirts and any pants with any revealing rips or stretches are also prohibited. 

For both men and women, stick to long pants, long unripped jeans, or trousers. If traveling in the summer and it is too hot, you may wear shorts. Be sure to keep those shorts at least at knee length. If you are wearing a skirt or skort, the same applies, keep it modest and at the length of your knee. Treat it like a school dress code, where you had to make sure your skirt or pants were past your fingertips when standing up. 


For dresses, the rules are a combination of both tops and bottoms. No spaghetti straps, halter tops, tank tops, or anything that reveals the shoulder. Also don’t wear any dresses that show an excess of cleavage. Lengthwise is the same, you want to wear a dress that is at least past the knee or at the knee length. On top of this, avoid anything tight-fitting like a body con dress. 

For what to wear to the Vatican City, regarding dress, wear any dress with short sleeves, long sleeves, or puff sleeves. Then make sure that the dress passes the fingertip test and stretches to your knee or below. Since you don’t want your dress draping down and dragging through the streets of Vatican City, knee length and just over the knee is what you want to aim for. 


Lastly on what to wear to Vatican City is shoes. Now I have done quite a bit of research specifically on shoe restriction for Vatican City, and found interesting results. So, open-toed shoes are not strictly prohibited, however it is frowned upon. So, though it is allowed, it is really not recommended. Not for modesty, but rather, for respect and functionality, you want to avoid flip-flops, casual sandals, or athletic slides. Keep the Birkenstocks and crew socks combo in the suitcase for your Vatican City day. 

Instead, you are allowed and it is acceptable for you to wear nicer sandals, dress shoes, and sneakers. Regardless of what is allowed and not allowed, the best option for shoes to wear at the Vatican City are some nice walkable sneakers. White or tan canvas shoes are the perfect option for both men and women as they are great for walking long distances and are fine with any outfit. That way you don’t have to pack anything too fancy and don’t have to suffer in uncomfortable church shoes during your long walk through the museum and city.

Looking for more Rome travel tips for you vacation? Check out Rome Packing List: What to Pack for Rome.

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