Tips for Your First Cruise

Have you decided to finally give cruising a try? Are you looking for an easy ocean adventure for your family? Cruising is a wonderful vacation experience but it can be daunting if it is your first time. I went on my first cruise when I was fifteen, it was for my quincenera, and I haven’t stopped since. In a single trip, I learned so much and continued to learn as I went along. The world inside a cruise ship is so much different than any plane, hotel, or resort vacation. If you are ready to embark on your first cruise, here are some essential tips for first time cruisers. 

Sign up for excursions in advance

One of the most important tips you need to know before embarking on your first cruise is to sign up for activities and excursions in advance. Cruise ships are fun and though you will be spending the majority of it on your ship, the real fun begins when you pull into port and step foot into another country. Once you get there, you might expect to just walk to the beach or wait in line for a sketchy tour group you haven’t researched. This is why it is important to sign up for your excursions and activities in advance

On the day you arrive, maybe even on the day of your cruise, you’ll find that the most popular excursions are all booked. These excursions get booked quickly, and you will likely be left with beach walking, crowded tour bus vehicles, or nothing at all. Signing up for your excursions ensures that you and your family will have something to do, ensure your safety, and ensure that you will be back at the port on time. Along with that, it gives you peace of mind, knowing that everything is paid for and planned for, so you don’t have to worry about anything but enjoying yourself once you are on board. 

People Kayaking During Day. Excursion. Tips for first cruise.

Prepare yourself for seasickness

This one might seem obvious, but it will come and creep up on anyone not prepared. Living in Florida, I have been on many boats before. I have never gotten seasick. Because of this belief, I went into my first cruise with full confidence in my abilities and pity for those who have motion sickness. But then, during the formal night dinner, in the middle of the restaurant, it happened. 

There must have been a storm or rocky waves that night. To me, it felt like the boat was rocking all the way to its side and back. I couldn’t eat. The chicken smelt delicious but my stomach was tossing and turning, and my vision was blurry. So I ran outside and before I could make it to the restroom, well, you could imagine what happened to me. Then once I got inside, I found nearly everyone suffering the same sickness and dizziness, clutching onto trash cans and having their hair held back. 

Yeah. It is best not to take any chances. This is one of the most crucial tips for your first cruise. Prepare any dizziness and seasickness medication and put it in your purse or pocket at all times. If you find you don’t need it, just pass it on to someone who might. Trust me, from personal experience, It is better to have and not need it than to need it and not have it. This is one of the most crucial tips for your first cruise.

Check your itinerary for formal nights 

This is one of the most important tips for your first cruise. Check your itinerary for formal nights. Obviously, you have packed a bathing suit, oversized straw hat, Hawaiian shirt, and sunscreen. However, don’t think that is all you will need. What is certain is that your cruise will have a formal night and you will not want to miss out. The last thing you want is to wander around restaurants finding yourself underdressed or not even allowed into the restaurant. Even more, you miss out on the opportunity to have professional photos taken of you and your sweetheart or family. 

It is important to check your cruise’s itinerary before leaving. They may have one or two formal nights you will want to be made aware of. Double check even if you think you know already. You’ll need to confirm if it is black tie only or if there are restrictions on dress or skirt length. Though there are shopping malls and formal attire sold on the ship, it is best to bring your own. This way you look your best and feel your best. Also, you won’t have to settle for anything that may not look good on you. Cruise ship stores are also quite expensive, and your trip is likely already costly. It is best not to spend extra money when you already have a dress or suit at home. 

Doing this will help you pack and ensure you aren’t overpacking or underpacking. 

Black Spaghetti Strap Dress in Hanger. Formal Night. Tips for First Cruise.

Find out what is included and what is extra

Every cruise is different. You may have heard of all-inclusive cruises and think every cruise is that way. Maybe you bought an all-inclusive cruise but skipped the fine lines, detailing what else you have to pay for. Pay attention to the cruise you sign up for. On the first few pages of your booking, you should be able to find what is included. It is important to be aware of this so you don’t end up paying any more than you have to. Also, it is important so you can make use of everything available to you. 

For example, if the cruise is all-inclusive, you want to check to make sure that includes the spa treatments, classes, clubs, and even drinks. It would be awful to indulge in all of these perks and find out you were charged separately once the bill comes in. However, if it is included, you want to make sure to make use of everything the boat has to offer. There is nothing better than a free spa, free drinks, and free everything. 

This tip also applies to tips and gratuities. I always recommend tipping, however you need to check if tipping and gratuities are already included. Most of the time they are, but I have seen some cruises where they aren’t. You don’t want the wrong idea. You might end up tipping someone when you have already tipped them before the cruise even began, thus tipping double without realizing it. That is fine if you want to double tip, but make sure you are aware of if you have tipped already so you are not spending more than you expected.

Book the room best for you 

Another of the most important tips for your first cruise is to pick the best room for you. Yes, all rooms are different. I am not just talking about room colors, sizes, or balconies. Each room brings are different energy and has a different feel and will determine how comfortable you are on your trip. During the cruise, you will be surrounded by loads of people in shared spaces for days or even a week. Your room is your only private sanctuary and you need to make sure it is best for you. 

By this, I mean ensuring it fits your needs. For example, if you are a large family, with many people, it is best to pick a balcony room. This gives you a bit more room and once the window is open, it makes the space feel larger. This way, you are your family won’t go crazy feeling cramped and trapped as you would in, say, a cabin room with no windows. If you are a moderate-sized family with small kids, opt for a room with at least a window. Then the small kids can fight boredom by staring out the window, watching the dolphin flip out of the water, or counting the birds as they near land.

If you need quiet, make sure not to pick a room near an elevator or a pool deck. Then most importantly if you are someone in the family who gets easily seasick, opt for a room on a higher deck in the middle of the ship so you feel less of the sickening rocking. 

Cruise Cabin Room. Tips for your first cruise

Put your phone in airplane mode

This is one of the most essential tips for your first cruise. This is even the most essential tip for seasoned cruisers and everyone everywhere. Put your phone on airplane mode! This is so important. You are roaming out of the United States and your phone company is counting every second, every online game played, every text message, every email, every spam call, etc. 

You will be charged so much and won’t even realize it is happening, because you likely won’t be checking all the messages and background data being run on your phone. This cruise is already expensive and I always recommend sticking to a budget. Not putting your phone on airplane mode will risk you being charged for everything that goes on on your family’s phones. If you are traveling with a large family and no one knows to put their phone on airplane mode, you will be in shock when your phone bill comes in. 

Instead, put away the phone completely. If you need to communicate on the boat, go old school and use walkie-talkies. If you must be on your phone, use cruise wifi. Stick to one or two devices to check everything, that way you can keep the cost low. With wifi, you can check all your emails, play all your games, and keep in contact with those on land using either social media or a wifi messenger. All in all, it will end up cheaper than having each device in roaming mode racking up data costs. 

Check in online to save time

This is another of my favorite tips for your first cruise. Check in online before boarding your cruise. I give this tip to everyone and still, there are so many people that don’t follow it. There is so much paperwork needed for a cruise. Most people don’t think of that. You have to fill out emergency contact, medical records, allergies, passports, and so much more for each member of the family. This takes a very long time. 

On the day of your cruise, you will be so excited that you will just want to run onto the ship and head straight for the pool or buffet. After all, it is your vacation, from the moment you wake up you should be able to enjoy it. Paperwork is work. It is so much easier to be packed and ready and not have to do any of it. Checking in online will ensure that you can hand your bags off, scan your passport, and be on your way. It takes so much of the stress off of cruising.

The first day will be hectic, there will be long lines of check-ins, large areas of luggage, and lost people just trying to find their way. This all slows down the rate at which you can start enjoying yourself. It is best to avoid it altogether, isn’t it? Checking in online is so simple and it does so much, helping you ease into vacation mode from the moment you enter your port of call. 

Long line to check in. Tips for your first cruise.

Looking for more cruising tips?

Looking to decide where to cruise before you book your trip? Here I have a list of the best Caribbean cruise destinations to help you decide where to take your adventure!